Tuesday, December 15, 2020

ATTENTION: My Twitter Account will be 18+ by 2021!!

 Due to drama going on on my Twitter feed, starting 2021, I will no longer allowed minors following my Twitter account as it will be 18+ Only. All tweets will be private and users who have followed my Twitter account will have to show their ages on their profile descriptions, and if the user is under the age of 18 will be blocked. This goes out to the people who do not want to see NSFW content on my tweets. If you do not want to see NSFW content, please let me know, so you can block me from Twitter. 

Also for those of you wanted to join my Discord Server, I'm thinking of making it as SFW and Semi-Public again as I will be separating NSFW content from an upcoming server, as I'll be marking my server only 13+. Here is a temp. link:  https://discord.gg/EvNM7TSn (expires in 24 hours). If you guys want a perm. link, please DM me from my Discord Tag: GirlaPH#3298 

 Thank you for understanding.